Friday, June 18, 2010

What It's All About . . .

When I was in massage school I had an A & P instructor who didn't seem to get me; but, instilled a concept I thought of, previously. This concept became a physical, medical reality in his description of the matter (including brain matter). It also saved my own well-being to reflect that I had proven to myself, numerous times, how the mind has more power than matter around us.

Throughout massage school I became determined to let positive affirmation and determination make up the patterns of my physical brain and the condition of my soul. With this, I endured the irritation of said instructor at whatever came out of my mouth; months without life sustaining and regulating prescription medicine; the first months after the scary decision to divorce (after over a decade of marriage); and, the intense last few months of massage school all at the same time, managing to graduate with honors, through it all.

Two years after all this started, I look back in gratitude to that instructor and others who showed me this concept. He, and others I know, got this instilled by intensely profound quantum theory and biological evidence. One must cherish and utilize such vital lessons.

Once a person truly knows it's all about mind over matter, the wonderful lifelong challenge is to make every decision a wise one, with nurturing intent (toward self and others). <3


  1. Keep being your wonderful positive self! Awesome blog!

  2. You're a pretty great person, too, "Swampy". . . one reason you're one of my forever-type friends. :D
