Thursday, July 1, 2010

Go Ahead . . . Spill All Over Your Journal . . .

It's okay . . .  In fact, it can be great fun. I can almost completely guarantee this little guy would have loved to spill all over his journal, (not guaranteeing he didn't, at some point, in his almost 45 years of life). This is my recently deceased big brother, who inspired me to be proud of creativy and always be true to my myself. <3

When browsing the shelves at a bookstore, I saw these intriguing books about visual journals. If you don't know what they are, and have a creative frame of mind, get ready for having a blast.

To spill in such a journal means to create, without too much thought, and all about expression. This is where you put down images (even from a magazine or newspaper) or words, depending on which most accurately expresses how you feel. In some cases you may hide personal words with pictures on top. I started this with a dear friend (The Starshine Spidah, who named me The Lady Raindrop). Then, I decided to make one of my own, just for me. And, now, I'm preparing something to send my long-time pal,"Swampy" (Swampthing). I love seeing what my friends have in them, and having the opportunity of sharing my expressions with unconditional friends, in ways I may not be able to express with words alone. I bought this cool book called 'Journal Spilling - Mixed-Media techniques  for Free Expression' by Diana Trout.

In the same line of books, I bought another ( The Journal Junkies Workshop - Visual Ammunition for the Art Addict' by Eric M.Scott and David R. Modler ), which shows more artistic techniques, for a deeper sense of expression, as well as more journaling prompts to get your artistic juices flowing.. If I knew how to link these, I would, maybe the ad application will link these for me.

Anyway, I love doing this stuff. . . There are so many techniques I want to try, like image transfer with tape, making windows, doors and envelopes, etcetera. . . . This is good fun I reccomend for anyone that likes to be creative, even if they look at their own creativity harshly, Maybe this will help. It doesn't have to be pretty . . . It's all about how you feel, for you. If nowhere else, here is where you completely ignore your inner critic.


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